Jungo TV Acquires Black Belt Magazine
2-Time Black Belt Hall of Fame Inductee George Chung takes Helm as Publisher
Los Angeles-based global media company Jungo TV has acquired Black Belt Magazine. Jungo TV CEO and former 5-time world martial arts forms champion George Chung is the new Publisher of Black Belt Magazine.
We are taking the time to listen to our readers about their hopes for Black Belt. One constant theme was the desire for Black Belt to return to innovating and prioritizing excellence and mastery.
Here are a few initiatives our community can look forward to:
- Launching an upgraded website that will be easier to read, navigate, and watch hundreds of hours of free video content.
- Updating the print magazine to an all digital format that gives faster access to the content and multiple options to consume such as web, tablet or mobile devices.
- Digital access to the entire digital master library of Black Belt Magazine dating back to the 1960s to present.
- Access to content never before offered that includes past and present video instructional programming.
- Advancing our editorial to focus on more self defense and authentic traditional arts.
- Introducing the live induction ceremony of the legendary Black Belt Hall of Fame.
Stay tuned for more announcements!